DSA First , Google next

January 19, 2023

Hello folks ,

As prestigious and amazing google sounds, its interview sounds that scarely and difficult. Why not to fix that , even better giving it a try to make you fall in love with coding .

So here's my topic wise questions and what i learned new from each topic. After doing these, I believe whenever you are asked a question you will have some good insight plus intuitive thinking

So First :-

1. Arrays :

2. Two Pointers Approach :

3. Stacks & Queues:

4. Backtracking:

5. Stack & Queue

Bonus :

Implement hashMap , follow up questions : what is the load factor , java 8 improvement in hashmap and implement it in 30 min. Suggested : See java 8 class implementation and how they did. I did it ( https://github.com/terror26/HashMapImplementation) .

* Sliding-Window-Maximum : https://leetcode.com/problems/sliding-window-maximum/ , Amazing question to know about the Data structure usage.

6. Binary Search Tree and Heaps

Will add more to the list with time. :) 

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Created and Maintained by Kanishk Verma

Works in Goldman Sachs and trying to share little knowledge I have.

